D.I.Y Cameras Professional cameras The cost price of materials is cheaper than the professional cameras but sometimes they’re more expensive because of the high price mark-ups to the individuals versus companies. Professional cameras are expensive than the DIY cameras but again some companies come up with promotions and cost-saving options. The installation procedure […]
Try to not leave your expensive gadgets and small electronic items in places which can be seen from the streets. If in doubt change the locks and old window latches of your property. Try not to leave your property keys outside the doors, under the flower pots and the most common areas that the thieves […]
In order to keep the home safe from break-ins, a security system is important for both residential and businesses to ensure a safe environment. Understanding how the security system can work will make it even more secure. There are two types of Alarm systems installed – Wired and Wireless. Wired security systems Wired security systems […]
Tell your neighbours when are you away and ask them to clear your mailbox and use your driveway occasionally. Lock all doors and windows shut. Test whether your security alarm system is working. Get your home alarm system monitored 24/7, If your alarm goes off, the sound is relayed to the monitoring centre, which immediately […]
Always lock your front door if you are back in garden. Install a good quality lock and use a reputable locksmith. Don’t leave your Wheelie bins, ladders and tools because intruders could use them to break in. Don’t leave house keys along with car keys. When you leave, ensure your home looks ‘lived in’. Give […]
According to the latest Statics a burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds. Although many of these burglaries are committed on property that is residential, businesses, just like homes, are also subject to break-ins and theft. It will not be surprising that most business owners are aware that they should secure the precious assets of their firm, […]